Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Get A Life

Extracted from “The Star – 15 October 2013”

Here are 10 tips to help you achieve a work-life balance.


1. Adjust your perspective of work

   Most of us think of work as, well, work. However, sometimes switching your point of view to a less bleak perspective is all it takes to get us motivated again. Visualise how your small contribution in the office can create harmony in the bigger picture. The work that you’re doing now is part of the long-term plan to achieve your goals in life.

2. Utilise your leave days

   Some workers prefer not to claim leave days because they have nothing planned. Accumulating leave may seem like a good idea at first, but most companies have a “use by” date so they either end up being wasted or have to be utilised at an inconvenient time. Take a day off to travel, bring your folks out for lunch or just to sleep in! Take a break.

3. Talk to people at work and outside of work

   Nurture relationships wherever you are. Build friendships so that there won’t be any dissension or jealousy in the workplace. In the meantime, make the effort to properly connect with loved ones when at home. Spend quality time and have quality conversations with your family members to ensure that they don’t feel disengaged from you. That will also help them to be more understanding when you go through stressful periods at work.

4. Have a bit of fun everyday


   Schedule happy activities such as a weekly futsal session or a coffee meet up with a friend during the weeknights. Such activities rejuvenate you after a long day. Definitely a cure for weekend withdrawal symptoms.

5. Understand the difference between “urgent” and “important”

   As much as we try to control them, certain circumstances will require us to disregard the whole concept of segregating work and home. In those cases, try to identify which errands require your attention now (these matters are “urgent”) versus which things carry weight but are not pressing (these are “important”). Matters which are both “urgent” and “important” will be the ones you need to attend to first.

6. Get enough sleep


   We can’t change the fact that work begins at usually 9am, so avoid being nocturnal. Ensure that you get your regular seven hours of sleep every night so that you don’t feel sluggish before 11am. This will also help you make full use of your time in the office, thus reducing the need to work past office hours.

7. Allocate time for exercise


   Don’t underestimate the power of exercise. It’s not just about getting in shape, but also maintaining health, improving mental acuity and self-esteem too. Don’t limit yourself to just going  to the gym. Working out can be fun – go for a swim or a dance class, or organise a badminton night once a week.

8. Pursue a hobby, preferably one that isn’t work-related

   Much of our time in the office requires using a specific kind of knowledge and staring at texts and screens all day. Being passionate and diligent about something not work-related can help you feel more purposeful outside of your work goals. Activate other parts of your brain or skills by indulging in hobbies that enhance your other talents such as cycling, photography or even woodwork.

9. Don’t bring work home

   Compartmentalise to achieve a healthy work-life balance. Create a space at work that is mentally conducive to increase productivity, but balance it out by ensuring that your space at home is emotionally and mentally comforting as well. Avoid having these two spaces overlap unless absolutely necessary so that you learn how to switch your brain and mood from work mode to home mode.

10. Manage time wisely

   In relation to the point above, one way to ensure that your work doesn’t cut into after office hours (or worse, weekends) is to make sure you get as much done as possible while in the office. Stay focused and productive so that no one can fault you for leaving work at 5:30pm.




Friday, November 8, 2013

Local Horror

Extracted from “The Star – 31st October 2013”

Being a melting pot of various cultures and religions, it’s only natural that Malaysian ghosts and spirits should reflect the diversity of its living, breathing counterpart. Below are some of the ghouls and beings that haunt local folklore.



Arguably the most popular female ghostly entity on the list, the pontianak is said to be the spirit of a woman who dies in childbirth. As a matter of fact, the word “pontianak” is a corruption of perempuan mati beranak (woman who died in childbirth). The creature’s influence also extends to Indonesia where it even inspired the name of the city of Pontianak. Legend has it that the first sultan who settled there was haunted by the pontianak.



A toyol (or tuyul) is actually an infant spirit that’s invoked by a bomoh from a dead human foetus. Kept in a jar, the mischievous being answers to its master’s whims. These include petty crimes such as theft to more serious offences such as murder. However, the person who owns the toyol would have to feed it with blood every morning. Due to the fact that it’s dead, the toyol is rumoured to have a big head, small hands, clouded eyes and a greyish body.

Orang bunian

Invisible to most humans except those with a sixth sense, orang bunian is often depicted as an Asian elf. It’s said that their appearance is nearly identical to humans. The bunian are said to inhabit areas far from humans such as deep forests or high mountains. They are often blamed when wanderers get lost in the wilderness or children go missing.

Pocong (Hantu bungkus)


Pocong is said to be a dead person’s soul trapped in its kain kafan (the shroud used in Malay burials). The dead body is tied in three places – over the head, around the neck and under the feet. According to traditional beliefs, a person’s soul will remain for 40 days on earth after his death. However, if the ties aren’t released, the body is rumoured to jump out from the grave and become a pocong. Due to the fact that its feet are tied together, the pocong can’t walk and hops instead.

Hantu raya

A supreme demonic being that acts as a double for a person who practices black magic, hantu raya (translated to mean great ghost) is supposed to imbue in its owner great powers. It is said that the hantu raya is the master of all ghosts and leads its own underworld legion. The demon is able to materialise into another human being or animal. It feasts on ancak, an offering for spirits that contain yellow glutinous rice, eggs, roasted chicken, rice flakes and a doll.

Orang minyak

Translated as “oily man”, the legend of the orang minyak is one that strike fear among parents with young daughters. Some believe it’s a supernatural creature while others say that the orang minyak is a human warlock that coats himself with grease and terrorises young women. At the height of the orang minyak legend in the 1960s, the mass panic led to many women, especially students living in dormitories, to borrow sweaty clothes to give the impression that they were with a man.

Jiangshi (Kiong Xi)


Depicted as a corpse dressed in official garments from the Qing Dynasty, the jiangshi is regarded as the Chinese vampire. It moves around (quite comically) by hopping with its arms outstretched and kills living creatures to absorb their “qi” (life force). The Chinese character for “jiang” in “jiangshi” means stiff and it’s rumoured that the jiangshi is so stiff that it is unable to move its head and limbs. One method to counter a jiangshi’s attack that is popularised by Hong Kong movies is to stick a fu (yellow talisman) on the creature’s head.

Ba Jiao Gui

Literally translated as banana ghost, ba jiao gui is a female ghost that lives in a banana tree and appears by the plant wailing at night. It’s been known in folk tales that greedy people will ask for “lucky numbers” from the ghost in hopes of striking a lottery. This is done by tying a red string around the tree trunk and sticking needles in it while the other end of the string is tied to their beds. When the ghost appears at night, she will beg the person to release her. In return, she will bestow a set of winning numbers. A horrible fate awaits those who fail to release the ghost after winning.

Nu gui

Nu gui (literally “female ghost”) is a vengeful female spirit. The lore revolves around women who committed suicide while wearing a red dress. Usually, the woman is a victim of injustice while she was still alive and she will return to haunt those who wronged her.


One of the most famous ghosts in the Indian community, the mohini is believed to be women who committed suicide due to failure in love. After returning as a vengeful spirit, they are said to entice males and lead them away to their world, never to be seen again. According to some myths, the mohini appears as a beautiful woman with bells worn around their ankles.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Simple Steps To Sales Success

Extracted from “The Star – 15th October 2013”

We all know that sales and the people behind it are the driving force in every industry, but that is no surprise.

The real surprise is how few business owners actually understand the elements needed in their planning and strategy to really push the sales process forward and reap the financial rewards they seek.

Well, if you are one of those business owners stuck in this rut, don’t worry! The truth is, rectifying the situation is relatively simple.

As such, here are four great tips you can use to get out of this little kerfuffle and on the fast track to great sales figures.

Business Booster Vitamins Increase Sales Success Stock Image - Image: 31479031


Focus On Objectives Stock Photo - Image: 17653080

In sales, nothing is more important than knowing exactly what you want your company to achieve.

In this aspect, being clear about the objectives means having a very specific, quantifiable goal for you and your team to accomplish.

For example, if you were in the coffee business, your objectives may include:

  • Converting 25% of all new customers
  • Earning RM2mil more in net profit, and
  • Selling 15 tonnes more coffee powder by the end of the third quarter

Of course, coming up with set objectives is useless unless your staff know how to achieve your desires.

It is important to provide a roadmap to guide them towards turning your objectives into reality.

This includes setting up the necessary funds to reach your goals, laying the marketing groundwork to attract qualified prospects and even streamlining your operations to be more aggressive in terms of profit-making.


Fajitas - Mexican Food Stock Photo - Image: 8038690

In every sales situation, there is always something called a “Sizzle Point”.

This basically is a factor or element in your business offering that is an emotional peak point which “heats-up” the desires of your clients and makes them want to proceed with buying behaviour in anticipation of satisfying their needs.

Now, I find that for most people, their “Sizzle Point” is usually the prospect of achieving a positive end result.

Conversely, seldom are people deeply-enamoured by the process of getting there because the excessive amount of details will dampen their enthusiasm.

As such, it is important to ensure that your sales message focuses on helping prospective clients to achieve their results rather than boring them with too many details.


Seal Wax With Like Sign. 3D Icon  Stock Image - Image: 33321901

One of the biggest problems in any sales situation is that most people are sceptical. In other words, they would prefer to let other people adopt products first before actually considering its viability in their own lives.

The crux of this issue belies their risk tolerance. The hard truth is that the risk tolerance of consumers, especially in our region, is relatively low.

To circumvent this issue, one of the best ways is to provide social proof. Now, social proof is basically examples of how other clients have benefited from your business offering.

Examples of social proof include testimonials, pictures, articles and industry accreditation.

With this social proof, you will provide undeniable evidence and support from the market, your industry and even the media with regards to the authenticity and effectiveness of your product.

This reduces the perceived risk of your clients and entices them to adopt your product or service. However, please note that these accreditations need to be highlighted in all your marketing collaterals; from flyers to your website and even advertisements to ensure maximum exposure.


Action Needed Barrier Blockade Immediate Act Now Royalty Free Stock Photography - Image: 32371807

One interesting thing about conducting sales is that people generally need an instruction to take action.

This instruction, or call-for-action, can be seen as a final and gentle encouragement for them to open their wallets. However, in order for it to be effective, a call-for-action needs to be explicit and yet not overbearing or threatening.

For example, one of the best ways is to highlight the value of your business offering and remind your customers how much they stand to lose if they do not partake in it now.

Another technique can be in providing bonuses for the first 10 people who sign up. By providing a limit on the number of people in relation to additional benefits, you will spur the competitive instincts of your customers towards accepting your deal.

On a final note, please let me state that these techniques are really just the proverbial tip of a very substantial iceberg.

Over years of helping hundreds of corporations and business owners hone their sales techniques, I believe the most important factors towards generating great sales is to have a continued desire towards learning new methods.

Only then will you have the ability to supercharge your sales and pursue stronger, better and more substantial profit margins.

 Sales Up & Up Royalty Free Stock Photos - Image: 1051938



Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Create Magazines Using Flipboard

Extracted from “The Star – 8th October 2013”

Raise your hand if you’re on Twitter, have a Facebook account, +1 on Google+, upload photos to Instagram and pin on Pinterest.

Good. I see lots of hands.

Now how many of you are on Flipboard and are using the platform to create magazines?


I still see a decent number of hands. But as someone who uses Flipboard every day, I want to make sure you are getting the most out of it. So for the next several hundred words, I’m going to share my tips and tricks for creating awesome content on Flipboard.

  • First things first: What is Flipboard? The company bills itself as “your social magazine. Use it to collect content from other social media and websites and curate it into a magazine format you “flip” through. It’s available for iPad, iPhone, Android, Kindle Fire and Nook. You can also use a web browser to collect and edit content. Once you have an account and you’re up and running, you can go to the editor page ( to control preferences and make changes on the Web.
  • Magazines can be public or private. All of mine are public, but you could use a private magazine to build up content before you re ready to share it with the world. Or you could use a private one to create a gift guide of sorts, not all that different form a private board on Pinterest. And you can go back and forth between public and private when necessary.
  • Why Flipboard? Why not just collect my tweets or save to bookmarks in my browser? With Flipboard, you can create a magazine call Social Media and flip content into it that you can share with others. I do that with all of these So Social columns, and you can find it here. And you can still share that magazine with all your favourite social networks.
  • The “subscribe” button is powerful. You use this button to add a magazine to your Flipboard. That means you get the update as soon as it happens. And you can and are encouraged to flip content from that magazine into magazines of your own. Think of that as the equiipvalent of a retweet. Flipboard will keep track of how many readers you have, how many page flips and how many articles.
  • Gathering magazine content is pretty easy. Click on the + button from within Flipboard when you see something you’d like to add to your magazine. Or, add the Flip It bookmarket to your browser to grab content directly from the Web. You can also add your own content too directly from your most used social networks.
  • You control the cover of your magazine. From within Flipboard, just click promote to cover. My pro tip: Change the cover as often as possible. You wouldn’t buy a magazine with the same cover from your corner newsstand, right? You’d just assume it was old. The more colourful and eye-grabbing, the better.
  • What’s your name? Think about what you want to call your magazine. Remember that sometimes simple is best and encourages others to find it.
  • Categories count. Make sure you add yours to the correct category  so people can find it when they search. And Flipboard spotlights their favourites from readers, so you never know when someone will find yours.
  • Need a few ideas? I recommend starting at the community section: Here, you’ll find some suggestions, community guidelines and magazine basics and tutorials. I can tell you from copious amounts of trial and error that four topics that work very well are photos, recipes, technology and news stories.     

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Rejuvenating Sleep

Extracted from “The Sun – 30th Sept, 2013”

People who live long enjoy between six and eight hours of sleep daily, with those sleeping for seven hours having the lowest mortality rate.


Sleep has many physiological functions that are routinely performed at the cost of a third of our lifespan. These include:

Restorative – Our body carries out its anabolic (growing, repairing and renewal) processes during various stages of sleep;

Regulation of immune function – This is rejuvenated after a good night sleep;

Detoxification – Toxins are neutralised and removed by the liver via the bile acid; and

Consolidation of memory – Knowledge or experience acquired is filed for future use.

But globally, with the advent of the internet and television, the number of hours slept per night is declining. Up to 40% of our population may suffer from sleep disorders such as difficulty in falling asleep or staying asleep through the night.

Insomnia is becoming more common in adults and its frequency increases with advancing age.

Chronic insomnia is where the inability to initiate/maintain sleep persists for more than three nights per week extending for three months or longer.


Buysse (2013) found causes of insomnia to involve one’s genetic, environmental, behavioural, and physiological factors  leading to hyperarousal (higher body metabolic rate and elevated stress hormone levels).

Stressful life situations are too numerous to be listed and they all affect our sleep quality and duration. Working shifts, going to bed hungry, having alcoholic and/or caffeinated beverages such as coffee, tea, and soft drinks can adversely affect sleep quality.

Jet lag, unfamiliar surroundings, noise pollution, anxiety over upcoming events or examinations, irregular sleep-wake hours, and extreme weather conditions can shorten sleep duration.

Medical conditions contributing to insomnia include fever, sleep apnea (snoring or blocked breathing), chronic pain, asthma, coughing, anaemia, urinary incontinence/frequency, sinusitis, depression, anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress, restless leg syndrome, internet-addiction, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.

Blood levels of insulin and/or stress hormone may be elevated by self-imposed sleep restriction.


In the workplace, there may be a tendency for making mistakes, memory impairment, low motivation, initiative reduction, poor attention, inability to focus, daytime fatigue/sleepiness, headache, poor social skills, irritability, mood disturbance, daytime napping, and even gastro-intestinal problems.

The risk of obesity is some 700% higher in adults with chronic insomnia. According to the World Health Organisation, Malaysia is the most obese country in the Far East and Southeast Asia.

Diabetes or insulin resistance is worsened with sleep deprivation, which impairs sugar tolerance.

Gottlieb et al (2005) found that sleep duration shorter than six hours or longer than nine hours per night was linked to higher risk of diabetes.

Lancet (1999) reported that having four hours of sleep per night for just six nights could result in impaired carbohydrate/sugar metabolism and endocrine dysfunction leading to various hormonal imbalances.

Apparently, these adverse effects of sleep restriction are similar to accelerated ageing and they raise severity of existing age-related chronic health disorders.


Besides avoiding hunger before bedtime, sleep-promoting food include those rich in the nutrient L-trytophan which is converted initially to the brain neurotransmitter serotonin and then to the sleep hormone melatonin in the presence of vitamin B6 and in the absence of light.

Soy isolate, wheat germ, wheat bran, peanut, almond, pumpkin seed, sunflower seed, pecan nut, cashew nut, seaweeds, Swiss cheese, and Brewer’s yeast are rich source of L-trytophan.

Besides lowering our low density (“bad”) cholesterol and and raising our good HDL cholesterol, niacin helps induce deep sleep by raising levels of our growth hormone secretion.

Potassium intake can shorten time taken to fall asleep. Food rich in this mineral include tapioca leaf, turnip (sengkuang), tomato, and banana.

Magnesium relaxes muscle tissues and calms muscular spasms helpful to those suffering from asthma.

Food sources of magnesium include cocoa, beans, seeds, nuts, lentils, dark green vegetables, millet, wild rice, quinoa, figs, banana, avocado, and prune.

Omega-3 fats from flax seeds, blue green sea algae and cold water fish or taking quality fish oil supplement can also induce deeper night sleep.

Nutritional therapists may also use L-theanine (protein from tea leaf), to reduce the stimulating effects of caffeine from coffee and strong tea and to create a sense of relaxation besides nutraceuticals such as valerian, lemon balm, passion flower, kava kava, and magnolia officialis.


Cognitive-behavioural therapy, relaxation therapies, regular exercises, morning sun exposure, music therapy, audio-colour therapy, light therapy, hypnotherapy, meditation, acupuncture, and psychotherapy are some of the natural therapies recommended to treat chronic insomnia.



Friday, September 20, 2013


Extracted from “The Star – 20th Sept 2013”

A friend lamented that an employee he has treated very well recently jumped ship to a competitor and in the process, badmouthed the company and even tried to poach another employee.

   Knowing he is a fan of Arsenal FC, I comforted him that he was not alone in feeling betrayed, as in the world of English football, there are many such cases of players leaving for other clubs.


   Take Robin Van Persie last season, Arsenal stood by him for more than four seasons when he was injured but the moment he had one successful injury-free season, he left for Manchester United.

   Indeed, the experiences of the English Premier League can have many lessons for managers and bosses. Here are some of the lessons from the pitch:

1. Better as manager

There is no relationship whatever between functional expertise and managerial ability.


Jose Mourinho tried playing football as a young man, but soon realised his shortcomings. From Chelsea to Real Madrid, he has achieved outstanding success as a manager.

2. Know your talent

At the World Cup, you may see appalling performances from players who consistently excel for their clubs when fulfilling very different duties.

Talent is meaningless unless it is deployed in its most fitting context. So, knowing the strengths of your employees and matching them to the right roles will extract optimal performances from them.


Thierry Henry was an ordinary player until Arsene Wenger converted him from a winger to a striker. With Henry on the team, Arsenal was difficult to beat.


3. Press the right buttons

Managers must act quickly to gauge the people they are working with.

If you survey those who played under Brian Clough, they would offer conflicting narratives. Some say Clough was avuncular and caring, others that he was an intimidating tyrant.

Neither was true – he had just simply worked out how to press the buttons of different characters.

Indeed, the modern boss must be versatile with a flexible toolkit to bring the best out of each talent. The hammer cannot be your only tool.

4. Promote self-belief

If we look at our own careers as employees, most of us will say our most productive and enjoyable period was when we worked for a manager who had confidence in us.

Wenger summarised the galvanising effect this relationship has: “All great successes, all great lives, have involved the coincidence of aptitude, talent, but also the luck of meeting people who have believed in you. At some point in your life, you need someone who will tap you on your shoulder and say, “I believe in you”

As a manager, if you want to see your company succeed, you have to learn to take a leaf from football’s playbook.

5. Draw the line

A lesson to learn: You can be friendly, caring and kind but you are their boss, not their personal friend.

The company is a place for people to earn income and build their career. Very few will let friendship stop them from earning a better salary or taking advantage of better career prospects with another employer. That is their right.

So, treat employees not as friends, but as talents.

To retain people, organisations can use two different approaches concurrently; award incentives and award challenges.

Your top performers may still leave one day because other companies will also offer them great deals.

When that happens, acknowledge their contributions and let them move on – just as in football.


Sunday, September 15, 2013


Extracted from “The Star – 14th Sept 2013”





   According to Barry Posner and Jim Kouzes of The Leadership Challenge, studies have shown that “credibility is at the foundation of leadership”.

   It is necessary for leaders to walk the talk, but how would you know if your actions are correct if you have no idea what is exactly that you’re doing? A transparent environment reflects whether or not you as a team leader, have enabled an employee or a department to perform better. It also provides healthy pressure to ensure that you are effective and responsible.

   Apart from being self-aware, feedback also produces social awareness for employers. It allows for a sense of connectedness between management and subordinates while building loyalty towards the organisation. 


   This is especially cogent for employees who are new to the organisation. Different companies have varying expectations of behavioural and performance outcomes and it may take some time for the newbie to align himself to the company’s vision and mission.

   Allowing for feedback provides the opportunity to catalyse this process. Employees need to understand the organisation’s core focus as well as their own department’s responsibilities in order to motivate themselves to operate at their full potential.


   Annual reviews are perhaps the only formal way of providing feedback to employees. It is usually met with apprehension and fear, but as an employer or a team leader, you must be able to provide constructive criticism where necessary.

   Appraisals ought to be done with a more personable attitude to show that you as an employer, value the person behind the contributions and are not just obsessed with the bottom-line.

   These feedback sessions should help the employee to develop his/her own strengths. Feedback also helps to show that you are in sync with what is happening at the grassroots level, providing to the higher level management that you are a capable team leader.


   How many times have post-mortem sessions evolved into finger-pointing scenarios where “he/she didn’t tell me that!” becomes the recurring comeback line?

   Feedback is necessary during and after projects to ensure that any form of miscommunication or misunderstanding does not result in severe backlash. Unresolved conflict will damage the team’s productivity and these sort of arguments may develop into bitterness amongst colleagues.

   As an employer, feedback creates space for you to act upon any sort of discontent before it spreads to the rest of the team. Respecting each individual’s unique point of view also allows you to function better as a team.


   As an employer/manager/team leader, here are some guidelines on how to give effective feedback:

1. Specify The Actions You Want Them To Take

Help employees meet a desired outcome by giving suggestions on how to execute a particular task. Include things like deadlines, approaches, topics or elements that you would like them to implement. The guidance that you provide will be a stepping stone on which they can innovate and improve.

2. Be Specific About Goals

“Write a report” is unhelpful; “write a two-page report on last week’s event that will give a clearer picture to the new employees” is much better.

   Giving precise objectives, however, also means that employers need to have a clear idea of what they would like to see. 

3. Suggest Ways To Improve

   Whether the feedback is positive or negative, employees need to be challenged to improve. Commenting on something unsatisfactory without providing an alternative will give the impression that the employer is also unsure of how to initiate progress. 

4. Criticise The Action, Not The Person

   This can be tricky with ethical dilemmas among certain personality types, but highlight an employee’s actions rather than character flaws. “This project could have been better executed with more research,” raises positive responses compared with “you were too lazy to put more time into this”. 

5. Build Relationship

   Try not to focus on just work and reviews when talking to an employee. Building a relationship will cause the recipient of a feedback to be less defensive while giving the employer credibility.

   Trust needs to be maintained so that nobody feels threatened or sabotaged.


Extracted from “The Star – 14th Sept 2013”



Have you ever been in an auditorium with audio equipment, and just as the microphones are switched on, a painful high-pitched whistle is emitted? That screeching sound is known, in audio terminology as feedback.

   In layman’s terms, most of us know feedback as information given in response to a particular process or action. However, the negative association of feedback still exists: we imagine long complaining sessions or a series of “missiles” aimed at bringing us down.

   The audio definition of feedback is explained as the loop that exists between an audio input and output. Similarly, that out to be the way we utilise feedback for performance review: a constant cycle of information that connects effort with result.

   Most organisations underestimate the value of feedback but push for effectiveness and productivity with little regard given to how to encourage those results.

   Feedback must be presented in a manner that is accurate, actionable and timely. Failure to do so usually results in interactive sessions that are emotionally charged and damaging to a person’s morale.

   Accommodating feedback into management processes can be highly constructive and empowering tool for various reasons.


   Feedback is especially helpful to measure a person’s growth and contribution, but most employees fear tracking their performance because they worry that their progress will not match their employers’ expectations.

   However, that kind of transparency is essential in ensuring that the employee develops in soft and hard skills.

   Positive performance habits are reinforced while negative traits can be identified and weeded out.

   Feedback shouldn’t just be on past patterns, but should also be establishing further steps that can be taken to accelerate towards achieving future goals.


   Negative behaviour in the workplace needs to be recognised and inhibited before it develops. Feedback is necessary to address these flaws to ensure that errors are not repeated or translated into dismal performance results.

   Failure to weed out unsatisfactory practices will only breed terrible attitudes and lousy work ethics. Occasionally, the offender may not even be aware of his/her own actions and feedback would help him/her to improve not just as an employee but also as a person in general.

   The best way to do this without being offensive is to dwell on possible alternative actions rather than dwell on the inadequacy of past ones. Articulate your corrections thoughtfully to assure that you don’t come across as derogatory or unappreciative.


   In a similar vein, feedback ought to also be a tool to encourage positive behaviour by highlighting positive action. One thing worse than being told we are doing something wrong is not being told how to get it right.

   Acknowledging strengths affirms a person and builds his confidence; doing so tactfully in public will inspire other employees to also embody similar traits or actions.

   But it’s more than just rewarding productive; it’s also creating an environment that affirms and ingrains the organisation’s values and visions in each individual.


   Feedback cycles also encourage each employee to be more independent. They help to groom and nurture talent into effective employees as desired by the organisation.

   Feedback acts as a guidance system to help employees self-regulate with the motivations and ideal behavioural styles; they are able to autonomously set goals which will be beneficial to themselves and the organisation.

   It enables the employees to become more resourceful individuals, confident in discovering creative solutions to improve their performance as well as maintaining a sense of accountability to authority.

   But feedback isn’t just a self-improvement tool for employees; employers and managers can also use it to enhance their capacity as leaders.


Extracted from “The Star – 14 Sept 2013”

It used to be that you could look forward to your semester holidays, but these days, due to increased competition amongst fresh graduates, vacations seem to be the perfect time to complete an internship. In fact, some universities make it a course requirement. But why such a fuss over an internship? Is it really beneficial? What’s the difference between an internship and casual employment? 

   An internship is like an apprenticeship in the old days; you spend time with a mentor, and he teaches you the tricks of the trade.

   Although the relationship is not one-on-one now, internships have plenty of implicit and explicit benefits that can help you develop not just as a future employee, but also a person. Most companies offer internships these days, but not all understand the purpose or how to properly utilise the interns.

   Some treat interns like cheap labour and give them unsatisfying tasks and as a future graduate looking for invaluable work experience, you would want to stay away from those kind of internships. Here are some things to consider when  looking for an internship.


   Internships are not a chance for you to hone your photocopying skills; instead it should honestly reflect the pains and gains of your industry, or at least expose you to office culture.

   Ideally you should be given multiple responsibilities that are related to your future industry. Get involved with actual projects and do let your supervisor know if there’s a task that you would specifically want to try out. Talk to older ones who have undergone internships for their opinions, and make sure to clarify your job scope during the interview.


   According to a survey conducted by South Carolina State University Career Centre, 90% of employers re-hire their interns for long-term employment upon graduation.

   Re-hiring interns reduce the opportunity of assimilation and training as employers can be assured of the intern’s fit and capacity to perform. For you as the employee hopeful, having an internship experience gives you an extra edge over the thousands of other graduates.

   Look for an organisation that openly hires fresh graduates and have various entry level positions. Gather information about your specific tasks as an intern by asking the right questions at the interview. Should these tasks seem misaligned to your career goals, then you ought to re-evaluate the suitability of this internship.


   Internships are especially pertinent in fields such as medicine but regardless of your industry of choice, make sure your job scope will add value to you and your CV.

   The tasks given should help prepare you for your future career, but don’t disregard the importance of developing intrinsic skills such as report-writing, understanding office bureaucracy and maintaining professionalism under duress.

   However, don’t limit yourself to a particular field when looking for internship. So even if you do plan to enter the business world when you graduate, spend a few months with an education enterprise or non-profit organisation so that you present yourself as a well-rounded individual.

   There’s no limit to the amount of internships you can complete; at the very least you get to know for sure which industry is your calling.


   Again, clarify the job scope before deciding on the place of your internship. When possible, check if you are able to speak to the head of department or the supervisor you will be directly reporting to. Volunteer to join the meetings or brainstorming sessions; do all you can to be included in all types of tasks that a full-time employee would typically have to execute.

   Clerical tasks and grunt work are acceptable for casual employment, but not as an intern, though you should never be too proud to perform seemingly lowly tasks.


   Take note of the person that you will be reporting to as the intern, and be prepared to readily answer when he or she asks you “what are you hoping to get out of this internships?” Most employers look for independent workers but also desire a measure of accountability. As the newbie, constantly run through your ideas and tasks with your supervisor and get them to give you constructive criticism. If possible, look for a chance to shadow someone. Your mentor’s expansive knowledge will enrich your overall internship experience.

   Here are some questions from the Santa Clara University Career Centre to help you get the answers you want during an internship interview.

  • What will be the top three priorities for me in this internship?
  • What projects, reports, or presentations could I be assigned?
  • Will I have an opportunity to work on a start-to-finish project?
  • What are the challenges that an intern may face in this role?
  • What sort of training and supervision will be provided?
  • What career-specific skills can I expect to learn from this internship?
  • What strengths should an intern have to succeed in this role?
  • What percentage of my time will be on clerical tasks?

   One final thing you should consider when deciding on an internship is whether you would want to complete the internship in an established firm or a start-up company.

   Well-known firms that have been in operation for a long time would add credibility and prestige to your CV. They may also be better equipped to handle and provide a more established internship.

   However, don’t underestimate the value of working at a start-up company. In small firms, you would have a chance to wear more hats and explore different departments given the fewer number of employees.

   Re-employment and promotion opportunities are also greater compared to that of an established firm. Nevertheless, regardless of which type of firm you choose, ensure that your internship provides you with holistic and educational experience that will help boost your career in the right direction in the future.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Life After “Friends”

Extracted from “The Star – 1 Sept 2013”

Friends left an indelible mark in sitcom history during its 10-year run on the small screen. Now, nine years after the show ended, we find out what the friends have been up to. It appears that life outside the walls of Central Perk coffeehouse hasn’t exactly been rosy for the world’s most famous group of friends.

Matthew Perry

Who would have thought that the bubbly man who played the sarcastic and witty Chandler Bing had a dark secret? Earlier this year, Perry opened up to People magazine and revealed that he was abusing alcohol and drugs during Friends’ successful run.

   Now clean and sober at 43, Perry is still very much active in the acting circle. However, the man’s spending most of his time these days advocating drug courts where non-violent drug offenders are given a chance to be rehabilitated through treatment (as opposed to serving jail time).

   After Friends ended, Perry went on to star in The Ron Clark Story which garnered him a Golden Globe and an Emmy nomination for his performance. Perry’s last big outing on the big screen was with Zac Efron in 2009’s 17 Again.

   His latest show, Go On, was cancelled after just one season. The series suffered a similar fate to his 2011 series Mr Sunshine, which got axed after nine episodes.

David Schwimmer

Unfortunately for David Schwimmer, his acting career has been stuck in second gear after the end of Friends. After the series finale in 2004, Schwimmer played the titular character in 2005’s Duane Hopwood. The film was featured in the Sundance Film Festival.

   Other notable film roles include the dark comedy Big Nothing and the thriller Nothing But The Truth. His big-screen break came with the voice role in the animated movie Madagascar franchise where he played Melman the giraffe.

   In recent years though, the actor has been honing his live-theatre acting skills. He made his London stage debut in 2006 with the leading role in Same Girls and, in 2006, his Broadway debut in The Caine Mutiny Court-Martial.

   Apart from that, he also had a guest appearance on several TV shows such as 30 Rock and Entourage.

   He’s also stepped behind the camera to direct a handful of indie films such as Run Fatboy Run and Trust.

Matt LeBlanc

Immediately after the end of Friends, Matt LeBlanc sought to prolong the screen time of his character Joey Tribbiani in the ill-fated spin-off Joey. The show was cancelled after just one season in 2006.

   Four years later, LeBlanc might have just found another recipe for success with Episodes, a new comedy series created by one of the producers of Friends. In Episodes, the now 46-year-old actor plays a fictionalised version of himself.

   While the critics’ responses to Episodes have been mixed, LeBlanc’s stint on the series nabbed him a Best Actor win at the 2012’s Golden Globes Award and several Emmy nominations.

   On the personal front, though, things haven’t exactly been rosy for the actor. His marriage to British model Melissa McKnight failed around the same time that Joey did. LeBlanc also made tabloid headlines after he admitted to groping a stripper at a Canadian nightclub.

 Jennifer Aniston

There’s no doubt that she’s the most high-profiled “friend” on the show. After ending her run as fashion enthusiast Rachel Green, the actress continues to make appearances on the big screen and on the pages of tabloids and magazines.

   On the professional front, the response to Aniston’s film career has been mixed. Her filmography includes Rumour Has It.., Friends With Money and He’s Just Not That Into You where she usually takes on the girl-next-door role. The Break-Up was a commercial success. Despite being panned by critics, the film grossed over US$203mil (RM677mil) worldwide. Aniston managed to silence the critics when she played the man-eating Dr Julia Harris in Horrible Bosses.

   When she found professional success, the same can’t be said about Aniston’s love life. The whole Brangelina issue aside, Aniston has been linked to men such as Vince Vaughn and John Mayer. Both relationships were heavily scrutinised by the media. The actress is currently engaged to actor Justin Theroux whom she met on the set of Wanderlust.

   But if anything, Aniston has lasting star power as evident from her appearance on the Forbes Celebrity 100 list (based on “earnings and fame”) every year since 2011.

Courteney Cox

Family was the sole focus of Courteney Cox following the series finale of Friends. Cox had been trying for so long to conceive and when she was finally pregnant with daughter Coco, she had to decline the role of Susan Mayer (which went to Teri Hatcher) in Desperate Housewives.

   The actress bounced back to TV a few years later when she played a tabloid editor in the comedy series Dirt. The show was cancelled after two seasons due to low ratings. More heartbreak ensued when Cox separated from her husband David Arquette in 2010.

   Cox didn’t take long to make another break on television, though. The actress is currently playing the role of a divorced real estate agent who’s jumping right back on the romance wagon in her 40s in Cougar Town.

   While Cougar Town has been a fan favourite, the ratings for the show have not been particularly favourable.

   Cox also managed to clinch some screen time in the Scream horror movie franchise.

Lisa Kudrow

Everybody loves Phoebe, the quirkiest of the gang. Post-Friends, Lisa Kudrow embarked on a variety of projects for the small and big screens, and even online.

   Kudrow dabbled in a number of indie films, but it was comedy that eventually put her back on the map.

   In The Comeback, Kudrow stars as Valerie Cherish, an insecure and desperate actor. She scored an Emmy nomination but the show was cancelled after only 13 episodes, much to the chagrin of fans.

   Kudrow later won acclaim for her improvised online series Web Therapy, but the transition of the series to the small screen was greeted with a somewhat lukewarm response. Apart from that, Kudrow has also appeared in a string of movies from PS I Love You to the hit comedy Easy A.

   That said, Kudrow’s most notable work would have to be an executive producer for the US instalment of the British genealogy show Who Do You Think You Are? Kudrow traced back her family tree during the first season of the show.

   Up next, Kudrow is set to guest-star in the hit series, Scandal.




Wednesday, September 4, 2013

That Gland Called The Prostate

Extracted from “The Star – 1st Sept 2013”

Do you know where your prostate is? Chances are, you don’t have a clue. You may not even have realised that you have a gland in your body called the prostate, until a doctor, relative or friend tells you about prostate diseases.

   You’re not alone, a most men do not know what or where their prostate is, much less what it does.

   However, this has to change. The prostate may be tiny and not appear to have much function, but it is actually far more important for the overall health and well-being of a man than previously thought.

   The prostate can be considered a gateway to men’s health. Learning to recognise prostate problems and addressing them early can help avert other health conditions.

What you need to know

   The prostate is a small gland that is part of the male sexual reproductive system.

   It sits between the bladder and the penis. The urethra, which is the tube through which urine and semen flow, runs through the prostate.

   The primary purpose of the prostate is reproductive in nature, as it helps keep sperm healthy for conception. The prostate secretes prostatic fluid that nourishes and protects the sperm. This fluid is whitish in colour and is expelled with sperm as semen.

   During puberty, the prostate grows until it reaches the size of a walnut. Then its size remains consistent until a man hits 40, which is when the prostate begins growing again. This is usually the time prostate problems may start to develop.


Common prostate problems

   The prostate does not serve any purpose beyond producing prostatic fluid.

   Despite its simple function, however, the prostate can be the source of a lot of problems for men.

   The most common problems are prostate enlargement (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH), inflammation (prostatitis) and cancer. These can significantly affect a man’s health and quality of life.

Enlarged prostate (BPH)

   When a man reaches the age of 40, the prostate starts increasing in size by 14% every year.

   BPH is very common among elderly men, affecting more men as they get older, especially in their 60s and 70s.

   BPH is not a cancerous condition, but it causes urinary problems because the prostate presses on the urethra and causes the urinal passage to become narrower.

   Therefore, men with enlarged prostates will find that they have to urinate frequently, cannot empty their bladder completely, leak after urination, have a weak urine stream or face difficulty starting urination. These symptoms are called Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS).

   LUTS will worsen as the prostate gets bigger. Many men find that LUTS interferes with their sleep routine, causes physical discomfort and disrupts their normal daily activities, although they may not admit the extent of the problem.

   In rare instances, untreated BPH may also lead to inability to urinate, incontinence, bladder stones, kidney infections, and damage to the bladder, kidneys and urethra.

   That is why an enlarged prostate and its symptoms should not be ignored or treated as a trivial matter, even if it may be a common and non-fatal condition. You do not have to live with this inconvenient and debilitating condition.

Prostate inflammation (prostatitis)

   Inflammation of the prostate, or prostatitis, occurs in a lot of men under the age of 50.

   There are several types of prostatitis, depending on the cause of the condition.

   Non-bacterial prostatitis is the most common type, while bacterial prostatitis accounts for less than 10% of cases. The latter may be present for several years (chronic) or come on suddenly (acute).

   Prostatitis causes a frequent and urgent need to urinate, just like with BPH.

   It also causes a burning sensation during urination, blood in the urine or semen, as well as pain or discomfort in the testicles, urethra, lower abdomen and back.

   You can also expect some symptoms of infection like fever, chills, fatigue and nausea.

   Prostatitis can cause poor quality of life and should be treated as early as possible.

Prostate cancer

   Prostate cancer is one of the most common types of cancer among men. It occurs when the cells in the prostate gland grow out of control.

   Prostate cancer develops very slowly, and at the later stages, may cause urinary symptoms similar to BPH and prostatitis, causing challenges in the diagnosing and treating it early.

   Prostate cancer can be fatal, although it usually grows so slowly that men die of other causes first.

   Men are encouraged to get their prostate checked annually after they reach the age of 40, by going for a digital rectal examination.

   Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) screening tests may be helpful when used alongside a digital rectal examination.

   Prostrate-specific antigen (PSA) screening tests may be helpful when used alongside a digital rectal examination in men who are at higher risk of prostate cancer.

   Age, race, family history and lifestyle habits are among the risk factors that make a man more prone to developing prostate cancer.

   Unhealthy habits like lack of exercise and eating lots of fat, meat and refined carbohydrates, are known to lead to obesity, high blood pressure, unhealthy lipid levels and high blood glucose – but now, it has also been found that an unhealthy lifestyle also makes Asian men more predisposed to developing prostate cancer.

   Prostate conditions and urinary problems are very closely linked to sexual dysfunctions, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases. Urinary problems are not petty complaints by “old men”, but signs of a legitimate and serious condition that could adversely impact quality of life.


Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Berry Good For The Immune System

Extracted from “The Star – 13th August 2013”

Goji berry or wolfberry, also known as Lycium barbarum, is a bright orange-red berry with a mild tangy taste. It is an ancient fruit found growing wild in the Himalayan regions of Asia which has been recognised by traditional herbalists as a tonic for liver and kidney functions as well as liver detoxification.

Goji Berry Stock Image - Image: 22688811

In traditional Chinese medicine, goji berries are used to cure a variety of ailments. According to Emperor Shen Nung (475-221 BC), in an early written documentation of traditional Chinese medicine, goji berries offer a wide array of nutritional values ranging from building up health to strengthening and restoring the body’s major organs.

They are packed with antioxidants, amino acids and other health-promoting vitamins and minerals. These berries can be eaten raw, brewed into tea, added to soup and stew, or made into liquid extracts.

Goji berries are thought to be one of the most nutritionally dense food. They contain:

>500 times more vitamin C in weight than oranges

>15 times more iron than the amount found in spinach

>More beta-carotene than in carrots

>18 types of amino acids which are six times higher than in the pollen

>21 trace minerals, the main ones being zinc, iron, copper, germanium and selenium.

Goji Berries Stock Images - Image: 2255324

Benefits of Goji Berries

The Goji berry is regarded as the “longetivity fruit”. It contains unique polysaccharides with immune-enhancing properties. These polysaccharides work to fortify the body’s immune system and increase the body’s resistance against diseases and infections.

The berries are also rich in vitamin C and zinc, both of which are known to boost the immune system.

Goji berries contain key nutrients that support healthy visual functions. They are rich in carotenoids such as beta-carotene and zeaxanthin. Research findings indicate that zeaxanthin helps protect our retina against oxidative stress and prevent the onset of eye diseases such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), cataract, glaucoma and diabetic retinopathy.

Tibetan Goji Berry Scoop Royalty Free Stock Photos - Image: 30322478

The impressive amount of antioxidants found in goji berries helps protect the body from free radical-damaging effects, delay ageing and manage are-related complications. Several studies on goji berry suggest that it can support brain health and may protect against age-related diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

Besides that, goji berries give you a splash of energy and vitality, and a clean feeling from the inside out. They effectively help the body to eliminate fatigue and relieve headaches, especially when recovering from illnesses. It also helps to improve the quality of sleep, wellbeing and even increase libido in both men and women.

Moreover, goji berries are also a rich source of selenium and germanium. Both are known to have anti-cancer properties. In addition, the contents, polysaccharides and antioxidants, provide extra protection against free radicals. Hence, goji berries are known to lessen the chance of developing certain types of cancers.

Goji berries can be taken raw or cooked. In Chinese cuisine, they are often added to soup and stew. Other than eating the berries, you can find juices or tea made from goji berries. You can also opt to take goji berry extracts as a dietary supplement.

Sunday, August 4, 2013


Extracted from “The Sun – 29th July 2013”

Want better, younger-looking skin? Get better sleep, a new study finds.


In a small study at University Hospitals Case Medical Centre in Cleveland, Ohio, poor sleepers were found to show increased signs of skin ageing and slower recovery from a variety of environmental stressors, such as ultraviolet radiation, the researchers said.

The study, presented at the International Investigative Dermatology Meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland, was commissioned by Estee Lauder.

“While chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to medical problems such as obesity, diabetes, cancer and immune deficiency, its effects on skin function have previously been unknown,” said head researcher Dr Elma Baron.

The study involved 60 women between ages of 30 and 49 years, with half of participants falling into poor quality sleep category.

The classification was made on the basis of average duration of sleep and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, a standard questionnaire-based assessment of sleep quality.

Poor quality sleepers showed increased signs of intrinsic skin ageing including fine lines, uneven pigmentation and slackening of skin and reduced elasticity.

The researchers found that good quality sleepers recovered more efficiently from stressors to the skin, such as sunburns.

Self perception of attractiveness was also significantly better among subjects who slept well compared to those who didn’t.


If you think you fall in the poor sleeper category, WebMD and the Mayo clinic offer the following tips to boost your snooze time:

  • Stick to a regular sleep schedule, even on weekends.
  • Eat well, and avoid caffeine in the evenings or overeating before bedtime.
  • Also try sleep accessories, such as a white noise machine or ear plugs, to block out distractions.
  • Exercise during the day, which can aid sleep.
  • Try to clear your mind from too much clutter before bedtime by writing in a journal beforehand, for example, or a short read in bed.

Though you may think chronic sleep deprivation is just stress-related, it could also be caused by an underlying medical problem like sleep apnea, so, it’s a good idea to have a talk with your doctor.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


Extracted from “The Star – 20th July 2013”


Cheesy fonts just scream “I don’t know what I’m doing” to your future employer. Jokerman, Papyrus and Comic Sans are not meant for a resume. These fonts are for festive purposes only. Use fonts like Times Roman and Arial instead.


When you display your resume in an unconventional manner, the employer may assume that the reason why you decorate your resume with ribbons, unnecessary binding and much more is that you are unprofessional. Sometimes being unconventional does not help you to land a job.


Your resume should only be between one and two pages. The goal is to make your resume short, yet readable for the employer. List only your selling points that are applicable for the job. Leave out details that are not relevant to the job at hand.


A well-written resume leaves a good impression on the employer. It shows attention to detail and can powerfully show the value that you can bring to the company. Be sure that your resume is systematic and rational.


It may be easier to send the same resume for every job that you are applying for. But a generic resume won’t show the hiring manager that you are the perfect candidate for the company. Match your achievements with the job’s requirements. Avoid the one-size-fits-all resume.


Do not put strange hobbies or interests on your resume. There are better ways to show your individuality. You will not get hired if those hobbies have a negative impression to the employer.


Be sure your contact details are written correctly. You may think you are not getting phone calls because you are not eligible, but there’s also a possibility that your contact information are wrongly written. Triple-check your resume to ensure that it is perfect.


Inappropriate or immature email addresses are a big turn off for employers. They indicate lack of maturity and discipline. Create an email address that is professional to put on your resume. First impressions are very crucial.


There is a difference between useful information and too much information including certain details may set you apart from other candidates but if it is not relevant to the job you’re applying for, it will become a distraction instead of a positive addition to your resume.


Exaggerating or lying in your resume would definitely bring short and long-term consequences to your career. You are at risk of losing honour and trust. It is never a choice to lie in your resume. The stakes are high when you do that.

Monday, July 15, 2013


Extracted from “New Straits Times – 10th July 2013”


Healthy eating is important for our mental and physical growth, and to maintain good health. It is one of the best things you can do for yourself and it is not about strict nutrition philosophies, staying unrealistically thin, or depriving yourself of the foods you love.

   Eating correctly means consuming the right quantities of foods from all food groups in order to lead a healthy life. Healthy eating also protects you from diabetes, osteoporosis, heart disease, stroke, and rotting teeth.

   Starting with learning new ways to eat, such as adding more fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, and cutting back on foods that have a lot of fat, salt, and sugar.

   We all need a balance of carbohydrates, protein, fat, fibre, vitamins, and minerals to sustain a healthy body. Vegetables and fruit can provide carbohydrates, Vitamin C and A, iron, and fibre that your body needs for a healthy diet and life style. Here’s how to eat healthy:


Monitor your fat intake – Each fat gram contains nine calories so by reading the total calories on a food and knowing the quantity of fat, you can estimate the fat percentage in the food. This should be low as possible, and by no means exceed 30%.

Reduce your salt intake, as over-consumption of salt is one of the causes of obesity. Reduce means cutting your salt intake down to half what it was last year.

Change from table butter to cholesterol free butter – if you have a choice why not go for it, any way it is healthier for you and tastes just the same. Bear in mind that these small changes can go a long way towards weight reduction.

Bake your food without fat – Baking is by far a healthier method of preparing food than frying. Baking requires lesser oil or fat.

Use a non-stick frying pan for your cooking so that you can cut down on an unnecessary greasing. The main goal is avoid eating fat as much as possible, and a non-stick pan is the perfect solution to reducing your consumption of fat.

Boil your vegetables instead of cooking them, or even better, eat them fresh. However, if you do not like eating your vegetables as it is, try steaming it without adding anything at all. This is probably the healthiest way to eat cabbages, cauliflowers, and a host of other vegetables.

Eat parsley often – Parsley is a great herb to snack between meals, as it contains quite a few vitamins, plus it will freshen your breath.

Choose lower fat substitutes, as these will help weight loss and are healthier for your heart. Fats do have nutrients, but the calories they pack outweigh their benefits, unlike proteins and carbohydrates, so cut down on them where you can.

Avoid going on crash diets – They don’t work, and actually will ruin the work you have done to lose pounds. Crash diets are not healthy for you, as they make you think you lose a few pounds quickly but once you stop, you will gain everything back and more. Crash diets are not meant for the long-term, which means any results you see will go away and possibly hurt you.

Make it a habit to chew all foods thoroughly at least eight to 12 times. This is important because it will add saliva to the food and saliva is critical to the digestion of sugar. Many people have a bad habit of eating so fast, as if they were swallowing it. This reduces the saliva added to the food, which reduces the amount of nutrients our stomach can absorb from.
